Thursday, September 19, 2013

Family Matters

Allison, Norah and I went to the zoo recently. It was a really good way to spend a Saturday. The zoo here isn't overly big but they have a lot of cool animals. Norah really seemed to enjoy herself . Speaking of Norah has decided that her bedtime needs to be later.....she now graces us with her presence until around 8:30pm. She is currently pulling at my computer screen trying to help me blog. We recently have had some company. The NH Croteau's visited Michigan two weeks ago, we had a great time. Allison and I took the up to the Point Betsie cottage on Lake Michigan. We had a great time walking the beach looking for Petoskey Stones but it was cut short due to Norah getting a double ear infection. Poor little one was a trooper though and is now feeling much better. The day my mom and dad left Allison's came to town.  While with Nanny and Papa White we went to see the decommissioned submarine USS Silversides. It was a really cool thing to walk through and explore. We also went up North to the Silver Lake Sand Dunes, the town was having a BBQ festival with a car show. The BBQ was delicious and there were a bunch of cool old cars as well as dune buggies to see. All of our company is now gone and our house is empty but it is good to get back to our routine. Its going to be a while but we can't wait to get back to New Hampshire. Summer is pretty much over here in Michigan and winter will soon be upon us, anyone that wants to help shovel is more than welcome this winter, don't be shy.

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