Thursday, August 2, 2012

Coast Guard Festival Kids Day & Carnival

            Tuesday began my part in the Coast Guard festival here in Grand Haven. I got to take part in kids day which was pretty fun. We had a Damage Control simulator for the kids to play with. It is basically a boat with all sorts of broken and cracked pipes with water gushing out. We had a bunch for foam balls and other stuff for the kids to try to jam in the holes to stop the water. They had a blast and we saw a few kids multiple times.  ( )
             Tuesday evening Allison and I went to Grand Haven to explore the Festival. It was pretty neat. I think they make a bigger deal of it then it probably deserves. We grabbed some fair style food and went to a water skiing show. The water skiing show was pretty cool, they had a jump and did all kinds of flippies. It will be a busy weekend for me and I will be happy when its all over.
             Wednesday Allison and I went to see here new OBGYN here in Michigan. The Doctor was very nice and we both felt pretty comfortable with her. We got to hear the heart beat again and Allison measured well. Everything is looking good. Tomorrow she will be 26 weeks, only one more week till her final trimester. We are getting so excited. I can't wait to meet baby bean. I am able to feel it kick somewhat regularly and a couple days ago baby was being particularly ornery and I was able to see it moving Allison's belly. That was really cool.
            I hope you all have been watching the Olympics. It has been on non stop at our house and we have been going crazy routing for the USA in all sports from Archery to Womens Soccer. We have earned a lot of medals already and hopefully more to come. Go USA!

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