Saturday, August 11, 2012

You Can Call Me The Godfather!

     Hello all, Allison and I had a good past week. I had a bit of time off after having to work last week for the Coast Guard Festival. We went to the beach on Monday to cool off a bit. Stella really enjoys swimming so its fun to take her to the lake. We got our new crib in the mail the on Tuesday so we assembled it and now we have it in Bean's nursery. I can't wait to finish up redoing the changing table and Allison's glider, everything should look pretty good in the room together.
    Thursday night Allison's brother Matt called and asked to speak with me.... I had no idea what he wanted. I am now the Godfather to Adaline Miriam White. I am honored. I have asked Allison to refer to me only as Godfather for now on but I don't think she is going to comply.
    I started school on Monday. So far so good. I am  really enjoying one of my classes, the other is a gen ed and it is what  it is. I am going to have a lot more work then I had originally expected. Its good though, should help keep me busy at work and a little bit at home. Allison and I are going out into the woods this afternoon to complete one of the labs for my Forestry class. I am going to do the work but its fun that Allison can be there with me. I started researching my final paper last night, I am not going to be a procrastinator any longer. Work Work Work.

The Masterchief I had to drive around last week gave me this Rose to take home to Allison for being so understanding of my schedule.

My God Daughter

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