Saturday, September 1, 2012

Babies First Concert

Last night Allison and I went to a Moe. concert at the Bell's Brewing company in Kalamazoo, MI. We met our friends Eric and Brittney there, it was a good time. It was such a small venue it was like seeing a band in your backyard. In the middle of the concert the baby was moving around and it dawned on me that we were at Beans first show. At one point Allison needed to sit down so we found a table.......there were 3 other pregnant ladies sitting there as well. I hope we have a little Jamband fan in there, daddy needs someone to listen to Phish with cause mommies not having it.

Today we woke up and went down to our local Meijer store where Allison bought me a brand new Old Town Kayak. It was a smoking deal, it retails at $350 but it was an end of the year sale and we got an extra 20% percent off so out the door it was only $150.  I am so excited cause now I will be able to Duck hunt this fall and fish next summer. I have the best wife ever.

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