Saturday, October 6, 2012

Opening Day

        Friday night Allison and I went to a Whitehall high school football game. It was a lot of fun. The town we live is is pretty small so the football team didn't have many players but the ones they do have are pretty good. We saw quite a few nice runs during the game.
        Saturday was opening day of duck season here in Mich and I have some stories that I won't soon forget. It was pretty cold out this morning and there were a lot of hunters in the area I was in. After I was all set up I was sitting waiting for legal shooting time when all of a sudden I here someone coming down the river. I was grumpy because I thought someone was trying to get in my area, I stood up and threw my hands into the air only to find out it wasn't a person at all. In front of me was a big 6 pt deer and he was marching all through my decoys. I watched him for a little while before he noticed me and took off. It was pretty cool to be that close to such a big deer. It was a slow day for ducks but I did shoot one real nice fat Hen Mallard. After I shot it I threw it next to my gear on shore. About a half hour later I heard the bushes near my duck rustling but I thought the duck was just twitching. Well it wasn't the duck making the racket, it was the fox stealing my duck. My next door neighbor was hunting behind me on the river and he said he could hear the fox enjoying his breakfast. Needless to say I walked away with one kill but zero ducks in my possession. It was definitely the strangest opener I have ever had. Once I got home Allison and I had a nice bonfire and I made smore's. Alli was a busy bee and made us Cinnamon bread for breakfast tomorrow and another apple crisp for tonight's dessert. We are both looking forward to watching South Carolina beat the pants off of  Georgia tonight.

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