Sunday, January 6, 2013

Home For The Holidays

            19 days ago we left Michigan and headed East bound for New Hampshire. The drive was surprisingly painless. Norah, Stella and Allison were great to have in the car with me. The first day we drove 11 hours and spent the night in Utica NY. What a pit that place was. I wouldn't recommend vacationing there. The next day we left the hotel early and drove through Vermont. I read online somewhere about Route 9 being one of the most scenic rides in America. Route 9 may very well be a scenic drive but we wouldn't know it. We started our drive through VT in the dark followed by about 15 minutes of scenery before the sunrise was so blinding we again couldn't see a darn thing. Anyways I don't believe we will be driving Route 9 again.
            Once we reached NH all sorts of festivities unsued. I was delighted to see that both sides of the family had purchased plenty of Hood Golden egg nog. Its just not Christmas without it. We had a few great days with my parents at the beging of our stay. Christmas eve eve found us at the Whites house doing a family Yankee Swap. I had never taken part in a Yankee Swap before and I thought it was a hoot. Kimmy stole my "Ipad" and I ended up with a very nice plate set. Allison ended up with a Target gift card, which I'm sure will get good use. Nanny and Papa made us all a delicious meal, I think the best part was the Gorganzola sauce though, I'd like to shake the hand of the man who made that haha. On actual Christmas Eve we again enjoyed a nice evening with the Whites and Katie Kimble. The 3 of us swung by the Croteau's party at my uncle Bub's as well. Christmas morning was spent opening presents and watching my nephew Bailey open his. Christmas has a whole different meaning when children are present. After our time at the Whites we went to Nana and Grampie D's house for more presents and food. It was great to see the whole Durant side of the family. December 26th we woke up and opened presents at mom and dads house. It was a nice way to make Christmas last.

         We got plenty of snow shortly after Christmas so dad and I took out his new snowmobile. I was happy to see him having fun with his new toy. I had a blast as well, I hadn't been on a sled since Alaska. Dad and I woke up early one morning to go to LL Bean so that I could return some stuff. That store really is great, they took all of my returns no questions asked. With our return money Allison bought herself a new winter jacket and I got a sun tent sowe can take Norah to the beach this summer. John and Ashley Daigle stopped by my mom and dads so we could all meet our new family members. There little boy and girl are pretty cute and we couldn't be happier for them.

          All of Allisons siblings were around for Norah Mae's Christening . This made for a chaotic White house but it was a lot of fun. Nanny White got all 8 grand kids together for a photo. I'm not sure how she managed to get everyone to sit still long enough.

         It was extremely hard to leave NH and our family behind and head back to Michigan but I guess we all have to do things we don't want to. The ride home went pretty well also. We travelled 10 hours to Erie Pennsylvania where we spent the night. Erie wasn't to bad from what I saw of it. Today we woke early and made the remaining 7 hour drive home. What a day, without anything to really look forward to those 7 hours felt like 40. We are home now and all unpacked. It feels good to be in our own house and sitting in my own chair. Its a great feeling to know that 900 miles away we have a bunch of people who care so greatly for us. We care for you all as well.  We can't wait to see you again in May!!!

Pictures to come, the website is having difficulties.

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