Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Southern Dreams

Who's idea was it to move North? I remember winter being much more fun, so far this winter it has been cold and snowy with no redeeming factors. South Carolina isn't looking so bad.Allison, Norah and I haven't been doing to much lately. It was nice outside a couple of days last week and we were finally able to get out of the house and go for a walk around the neighborhood. It really gave us spring fever and now I can't shake it. Last Sunday I brewed a batch of beer. It smelled awfully good (to me) Allison would disagree. I can't wait to try it out. Today was Norah's 4 month doctors appointment, everything went well and she is getting big but is only in the 50th percentile for her age. As long as her size isn't below average I will be happy, we aren't trying to raise an amazon woman. Looking forward to seeing everyone in May, not to long now.

Norah Supporting the B's

Eskimo baby

Super Norah

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