Sunday, March 31, 2013

Happy Easter

                 The Croteau's have actually done some activities worthy of blogging recently. Last weekend we went to the Grand Rapids sportsman's show. It was pretty fun, they had all kinds of boats for me to dream over and they also had a 700000 gallon pool stocked with fish. In the pond they also had the jumping dock dogs. It was cool to see the taxidermy exhibit as well, gave me some ideas for my next duck mount. After the Sportsman's show we went to a restaurant called Big Boy, we had heard good things about it so we decided to give it a try. It was good, nothing to write home about. It was essentially an IHOP.
                 Fast forward to Easter weekend, on Saturday I got a chance to bottle the beer I brewed a while ago, I plan to pop my first top on my birthday. I hope it is good. Saturday afternoon we went to a friend of mines house for an Easter party. His wife stuffed and hid 2000 eggs for the kids to find, they also had a nice little pot luck supper. It was a beautiful day, Allison, Norah, and I had a great time. On Easter Sunday we stayed pretty low key. I had given up sweets for lent so after waking this morning I was sure to bake some of the chocolate chip cookies Nanny White left us. We also ate some chocolate and had French Toast for breakfast. We hid a bunch of eggs for Norah to find but she was lazy and wouldn't crawl around to find them.
                  Norah Mae is doing very well. She is rolling over and is sitting up by herself for a little bit at a time. Its amazing watching her progression. Allison is doing good now that winter seems to be over and she is able to get out of the house. Allison and Norah have been venturing out to a couple of toddler time book readings at the local libraries each week. I think it is good for Allison to be able to talk to someone other than me, I mean I know I'm an interesting fella but she must be ready to kill me by now. I have been keeping very busy at work. It has been kind of nice to not just go sit in front of a computer all day. School is going well and it sounds like Coast Guard Tuition Assistance should be back in full swing by the time I am done with my current class in June. This is great news considering I am trying to complete my degree before leaving Michigan in 2016.
                   Well just over a month till we are back in New England, I hope its warm. Side note, if you are ever wondering why I post hardly and pictures of Allison its because she never thinks she looks good enough, I disagree but I always lose the editing battle.

I was trying to talk Allison into getting a sweetheart Deer stand. She wasn't having it.


I hope this is the damn Fox that stole my duck last year.

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