Friday, May 10, 2013

Saddle Up The Horses, We Are Coming Home

My lack of blogging lately is due to my current class and our general lack of excitement. Our family is doing very well though. Little miss Norah Mae turns 6 months on Saturday, I have no idea where the time has gone and I know you all will be happy to see the changes our little girl is going through when we get  home. She still has no teeth although she should be sprouting a few very soon. She has been keeping us busy with the magnitude of her poops, I think she could put the O line of the Patriots after a wing eating contest to shame. We are very much looking forward to coming home in a few days. I plan to consume at least one Lobster roll while near the ocean, the seafood here in Michigan is sketchy at best. Norah is very excited to attend her first wedding, like her aunt she has a new dress that will be unveiled May 18th. I took my test to advance to my next pay grade yesterday, keep your fingers crossed that I did really well or that everyone else did poorly. I should find out my results in the next few weeks. Allison has made some friends locally and we had them over for a little Kentucky Derby social. We had a good time, I met her friends husband who is a very nice guy. I made chicken wings with some homemade sauces for the event which everyone seemed to enjoy. In about 4 hours I am officially on vacation for 3 weeks and it can not come fast enough. Look forward to seeing you all in a few days. Keep us in your thoughts as we travel across numerous states and through Canada. I hope they don't make me leave Allison at the border.

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