Monday, July 22, 2013

Point Betsie and Beyond

Allison and I have been quite busy lately. July 4th was spent at the Whitehall parade and then a BBQ at our friends place. A pretty good celebration of Independence was had. I volunteered with Habitat For Humanity for a couple of days, it was good to help out and to get out of the office. This past Thursday I volunteered to help out at a local veterans golf tournament. I got to play a free 18 holes out of the deal so I can't complain at all. Last weekend we went to the Point Betsie Cottage in Frankfort MI. It was a great time. We searched and searched for a Petoskey Stones but we didn't find any, maybe next time. We walked the beach and watched the sunset each night. Allison and I found an awesome little place that makes homemade ice cream in downtown Frankfort. It was some of the best ice cream I've had.  Summer is in full swing and will soon be over, we are trying to take advantage of it as much as we can.

Norahs first slide

Painting @ Habitat For Humanity

First Watermelon

Norah Swimming with Maggie

Golf Tourney

A big thanks to Eric Dumais for sending me some special beer from Vermont

Beautiful morning for fishing on Duck Lake.

Doing some work @ Station Grand Havens Pier

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