Sunday, December 2, 2012

Nana & Pepe' Croteau's Visit

Norah is 3 weeks old today and Pepe' is 53. Happy Birthday Dad. It has been an uneventful but fun visit with my parents so far. They seem fairly smitten with Norah. We practically have to wrestle her away from them. It has been a lot of fun having them around. Today we went to Grand Haven to do a bit of sight seeing. We walked to the end of the Grand Haven Lighthouse and took a few pictures. The weather was really overcast, I really wish it would have been nicer for them. Norah has been quite the little night owl lately, much to the dismay of her mother and I. She is such a good baby though we just can't get upset with her. At 3am when she is bright eyed and bushy tailed it is easy to be grumpy, then she looks up at you and smiles and the world is right again. I guess we will just take it day by day and cherish every moment.

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