Saturday November 10th started out like any other day during Allison's pregnancy. We walked and walked (about 5 miles total) Allison galloped in order to lower baby and try to induce labor. It seemed like nothing was going to coerce baby out of the womb. I had told Allison, "I am going to try to sleep in this weekend because who knows when we may get the chance again", I guess babay had other plans, fast forward a few hours. Allison and I decided to relax and watch the Alabama vs. Texas A&M football game, we both wanted Bama to lose so we were cheering pretty heartily every time A&M had a good play. Apparently cheering loudly was what triggered babies get me outta here reflex. Allison started having contractions around 6:30pm. At 9:30 they were 5 minutes apart so we called the hospital and away we went. I was so pregnancy dumb at the time that I was thinking we better get to the hospital asap because this baby is coming, I really didn't want to have to rely on my EMT skills that since acquiring I have not used. It turns out labor takes a lot of time and effort. At 10pm we were at the hospital and and they admitted us, it was time to have a baby. They moved us to a birthing room and told us to relax and wait until baby was ready to come out. We waited and tried to get some rest, it was now Sunday November 11th. At 10am the OB decided it was time to start pushing, my beautiful amazingly tough wife pushed with all her might until 11:23am. Baby Norah Mae made her first appearance to the world. I was by Allison's side and watched the whole birth go down. The OB even allowed me the opportunity to cut Norah Mae's Umbilical Cord. It was an amazing experience, one that I will never forget. Norah is a perfect little girl and I can tell I'm in trouble when she gets older. I hope I am able to keep
some money in my pockets. We stayed at the hospital for a couple days until Tuesday November 13. While in the hospital I changed my first ever diaper and am starting to get the hang of holding her. Allison is recovering well but she is such an attentive mother that she has been rarely sleeping. We took Norah Mae home today, it was most definitely the most nerve racking drive of my entire life. Norah Mae is fitting in quite well here and Stella, although I'm not sure she knows 100% whats going on has been sniffing and checking out baby. I don't want to wish anytime with Norah away but I am so excited to watch her grow up. We cant wait for all the grand parents to visit and we also can't wait to come home for Christmas. When you meet Norah prepare to fall in love, its impossible not to.