Today was a fun day. OAK put together a softball team and began practicing last week for today's tournament. I had the opportunity to play Short Stop and I think I did pretty well. I didn't let anything past me and even made a couple diving catches. We didn't have the best weather for today's games, it was 50 degrees and rainy. Our first game was a close one but our bats prevailed and we squeaked it out. Our second game we played a team that was horrible. They could barely hit or field. We won that game handily. Our third game we played the team that beat us in the Championship last year. These guys were ridiculously good. We didn't even have a chance to field the ball due to all the home runs they were hitting. We lost that one by about 12 runs.It was a sad sight but its comforting knowing that they won the whole thing again this year and no one beat them. Our last game in this double elimination tourney was another close one. We played well and had no mistakes it just wasn't our day. In the last inning they beat us by 2 runs. I think for a bunch of Cutter Bums from SC we did pretty well. I know I will sleep well tonight!
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