Monday, April 23, 2012

The Little Things

                   Boring weekend, it was supposed to rain so I made plans with my old roommate Jeremy from Valdez AK to Watch the Bruins vs. Caps game at the local Buffalo Wild Wings. I love B.W.W. because its cheap and the games always on. I tried some new Thai Curry wings.....Not good. I won't make that mistake again. After the game I walked around Bass Pro Shop which is attached to the mall, as is B.W.W. I did some serious dreaming in that store as you can see in the pictures below. I entered a raffle to win a $25,000 Bass Pro shopping spree...Fingers crossed.
                    Today (Monday) after work my good friend Mike George and I decided to go for a walk. We went down to a local Civil War site, the Thomas Viaduct. It was pretty cool. It is very over grown now but it must have been a sight back in the day. The link I posted has some cool old pictures. On our walk back I showed him an area with a bunch of Beaver trees. All of a sudden Mr. Beaver himself popped up and started poking around. I was so excited to watch him it never crossed my mind to try to snap a picture. Now all I can think about is getting home to Charleston this weekend. I can't wait to laze around and be with my wife, my bean and my dog.

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