Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Bike Rides and Weathervanes

        Allison had a check up at the doctors this morning so I thought that was the perfect time to hop on my bike and head north. I rode from our house up to Rothbury MI and then I rode around a bit looking for the Double JJ ranch where Phish has played concerts in the past. It was a really nice ride on the local bike path most of the way. It was 26.8 miles round trip. My legs weren't bad but I was a bit saddle sore.
       Once Allison got home itdidn't take us long to get bored. We decided to ride our bikes to Montague to look at some of the antique shops they have. On the way we stopped by the worlds largest weathervane. It sure is large. Needless to say after all our bike riding Allison and I should sleep well tonight.

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