Sunday, June 24, 2012

Lazy Summer Days

It has been great being on vacation the last couple weeks. I go back to work on Thursday this week and I am not looking forward to it. We've had some nice relaxing fun recently though. We found a really nice dog beach on Lake Michigan. It has a nice long sand bar that allows Stella to be almost completely submerged but she can walk if she wants. Its also nice for Allison and I because we can wade out a bit without getting soaked. I botched our plans of going to a free concert on Friday (it is this Tuesday) so I had to think on my feet to keep my wonderful wife happy. I thought we both may enjoy some mini golf. It reminded me of Allison's competitiveness. We had a lot of mulligans  and a lot of fun. Last night I was bored and decided to start up a fire in our new pit. The decision was quickly thwarted once we realized high air temps plus fire temps equaled to darn hot. It was fun while it lasted though. Today we had a family fun day of yard work. We had a lot of dead branches in the front yard that made me a little nervous so I grabbed my pruning saw and hacked them down. Allison gathered some of the limbs and Stella drug them right back. I think some fun was had by all.

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